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Give Overview

Year-End Giving at IPC

gift with bow

Year-end gifts are a way to bless our church and allow our ministries to flourish. If you plan to make a charitable contribution before the end of the year, please consider IPC. 

For your contributions to qualify as a 2023 tax-deductible donation, the IRS requires it to be received or postmarked by Dec. 31, 2023.

IPC's Specific Deadlines: 

  • By Mail
    Address to IPC Finance Office (3100 Highland Avenue S; Birmingham, AL 35205) and postmark the envelope no later than Dec. 31. 
  • In Person
    If you wish to drop off your contribution, the church building will be open until 1 pm on Friday, Dec. 29. You may bring your donation to Beth Grauel or place it in her mailbox on the second floor.
  • Online Giving
    Enter online gifts before midnight on Dec. 31.

Give online>

Questions about giving?

Beth Grauel

Patricia Harper