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Summer at IPC


Summer at IPC

Sundays: June 2 - August 25

  • Sunday School
    9 am Classes
    No Sunday School on holiday weekends - May 26, July 7 & September 1

    Traditional Worship
    10 am, Sanctuary

    Table Worship
    10 am, Highland Hall
    No Table service on holiday weekends - May 26, July 7 & September 1

All classes meet at 9 am.

Combined Adult & Youth Class:
"Crimes and Misdemeanors: Revisiting Some of Scripture’s Heroes and Villains" taught by Dr. Jeff Leonard in the Great Hall

Children's Class:
"Mr Rogers: Won’t you be our neighbor?" for completed K - 5th graders in Great Hall Dining Room 1

Preschool Class:
"Celebrating God’s Creation" for children 5 & under on the ground floor
(Nursery is open to infants under age 2 from 9-11 am on the ground floor)

  • Family-friendly volunteer opportunity on June 8, June 22, and July 20 to gather, weigh, and organize leftover produce from 11 am - 1 pm with the Society of St. Andrew (SoSA) Alabama Gleaning Network.

  • Use your time and gifts to help IPC's mission on the mountain. Consider serving as a tutor or leading chapel during the Summer Learning Program on Monday - Thursday, June 17 - July 23.

  • Help Community Ministries stock our food pantry to share with our friends and neighbors this summer. Deliver food and hygiene Items to the Ground Floor or have them delivered.

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