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Sunday School

The Great Hall at 9 a.m.

Youth are invited to join the Adult Sunday school class on "Crimes and Misdemeanors: Revisiting Some of Scripture’s Heroes and Villains" taught by Dr. Jeff Leonard in the Great Hall. This will be an opportunity for fellowship and faith formation on each Sunday morning, June 2 - August 11. No Sunday school classes will meet on May 26, July 7, & September 1 due to holiday worship.


Sanctuary at 10 a.m.

All youth are welcome to register and become an Acolyte for IPC. We ask that both new and returning acolytes complete the registration form each fall. All acolytes must complete a training session and can attend a special fellowship event each spring.

Youth Group

Returns in the Fall

Explore what is happening during the week >>

Each Sunday, our youth gather in Highland Hall Garage at 6 pm for dinner followed by activities and a message. We aim to cover a wide scope of faith formation  through service projects, scripture study with real world applications, and relationship building with our church community.

Come enjoy donuts, faith formation, and fellowship each Sunday morning at 10 a.m. in Youth RM 101. Join us as we study new subjects and scriptures that match the season of the students.