Amidst the rise in COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron variant, IPC remains hopeful for this current wave to pass allowing us to return to normal operations. To keep our faith community safe during this challenging time, please note the following schedule changes for the start of winter term and updated protocols:
- Officer Training on Wednesday, Jan. 12, to be held via Zoom. Watch for information to join the virtual training.
- The start of the in-person Members in the Middle Class is delayed for the next two weeks. Watch for information to join via Zoom.
- In-person rehearsals for More Power To You! Children’s Musical are delayed for the next two weeks. Please be sure you are registered to receive the latest information from Miss Beth.
- For the next two weeks, worship services will not include the traditional passing of the peace.
We ask for your flexibility over the next couple of weeks as we take measures to protect one another. At this time, we will continue to:
- Strongly encourage the congregation to wear masks at all indoor gatherings and get vaccinated in order to protect one another.
- Meet in person for Sunday worship services, Sunday School classes, and other classes at the discretion of class participants.
- Welcome those who feel safer participating from home by providing options to join us virtually. Access our 11 am worship service each Sunday via livestream on IPC’s YouTube channel and Facebook page. Additionally, a replay of the service will be immediately available, allowing you to view services on demand after the live broadcast.
- Offer curbside dinners on Wednesday nights for purchase.
- Use pre-packaged communion elements.
- Collect offerings online and in plates available in Narthex, instead of passing the offering plates.
Please read future communications from the church as we monitor fluid conditions and collaborate to make the best possible decisions. As we look forward to a time when we can all be together in person, join us in prayer for those who continue to be on the front lines of this pandemic and for the health and safety of our church and community.