Midweek Faith Formation and Fellowship
Discover many ways to connect with your Family of Faith at IPC on Wednesday nights.

Place your order by noon on Tuesdays and pick it up on Wednesdays between 5:30 and 6 pm in the Great Hall. Meals from Kim's Kitchen include dinner options for adults and children and family casseroles. If you need to make arrangements for a later pick-up time, just let Nick know, and we will be happy to assist you. Wednesday night dinner concludes for the semester on April 9 and will resume in the fall.

Join us in Room 218 each week from January 8 through April 9 at 6 pm to study God’s Word by looking at the sermon text for the upcoming Sunday. Rev. Long will facilitate discussion most weeks. If you would like to join us for dinner in the Great Hall at 5:30 pm, place your order by noon the Tuesday before the class.

Nature Nurture: Our way to a Homegrown Habitat. Discover what is growing on in the Highland Avenue medians and how you, too, can nurture plots of beautiful flora and fauna native to Alabama. Plus: if you plant them, who will buzz by? Meet the masterminds behind Highland Park’s Homegrown Habitat, Mountain Brook’s sustainability initiatives, and the Bruno Vegetable plots at Birmingham Botanical Gardens. This class will be led by IPC Member and Certified Master Gardener Gail Pless.

The IPC Choir meets weekly in the music suite to rehearse. Have you ever considered singing in the IPC Choir? Please contact Dr. Jeff McLelland for more information about joining!

Place your order by noon on Tuesdays and pick it up on Wednesdays between 5:30 and 6 pm in the Great Hall. Meals from Kim's Kitchen include dinner options for adults and children and family casseroles. If you need to make arrangements for a later pick-up time, just let Nick know, and we will be happy to assist you. Wednesday night dinner concludes for the semester on April 9 and will resume in the fall.
Menus for April are coming soon!