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It's Fall Y'all

As fall approaches, we’ve blessed our backpacks and sent our students back to school, anticipating a new season of learning and growing. We’re doing that at church, too. Your Session has been praying for discernment and reading scripture together to help us understand God’s will for IPC’s next season. 

I’d like to ask you as a member of the IPC family to join us in those two critical components of our curriculum as Christians: daily prayer and time reading scripture. Session identified discernment, unity, stewardship, and connection as specific prayer concerns. We’re reaping benefits from praying about these matters as a Session, and I know we will as a congregation, too.

Keep reading for recent highlights from our Session committees and subcommittees: 

  • The Representative Nominating Committee reported the completion of its annual work to nominate officers of the church, including Elders, Deacons, Youth Elder, Youth Deacon, Foundation Board members, Vice President of the Congregation, and members of the Representative Nominating Committee. The nominated slate of officers will be presented for approval by the Congregation at a meeting scheduled for Sept. 24. In preparation for their respective roles in the coming year, the church family is requested to pray for these individuals, seeking God's will for our Congregation in the coming years.
  • At the Session meeting on Tuesday, the elders voted to approve an updated job description for the new associate pastor position. Previously, the plan was to hire an associate who would take on significant supervisory and management duties. After a period of evaluation and reflection, however, the Human Resources Ministry Team determined that some of the executive responsibilities could be delegated effectively to the existing staff, freeing this position up to engage in areas of greater need for the church. As a result, the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC) will now begin searching for an Associate Pastor to focus on growing our young adult ministry and engaging new members.  
  • The beautiful Columbarium expansion project has been completed thanks to the efforts led by IPC's House & Properties Committee and its Garden Subcommittee. We invite everyone to join us for a special dedication ceremony during the 10 am Sunday School Hour on Nov. 5, which is All Saints Day. You can view or reserve one of the remaining 176 double or 54 single niches by visiting our website or contacting us.
  • The Worship Committee approved a holiday schedule for Thanksgiving weekend. On Sunday, Nov. 26, there will be only one worship service at 10 am in Sanctuary. This is Christ the King Sunday, and the choir will lead the traditional Hymn Festival that day.
  • Our Session invites you to grow in your faith and get involved in the life of the church. Fall Grace Groups begin the week of Oct. 8 where we will study the book of Revelation together. Our annual Harvest for Hunger campaign kicks off Oct. 15 with a family-friendly Crop DropTable Sunday Suppers return following the 5 pm worship service on Oct. 22 and Nov. 19. And you can celebrate 100 years of ministry at the Children's Fresh Air Farm with us at our Centennial Celebration and Fall Festival on Oct. 29 with live music by the Table worship band, fun games for kids, a hayride, and a dedication ceremony. We hope to see you this fall at IPC.