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Summer at IPC


Summer at IPC

Moment For Mission: Presbyterian Ministries United Appeal (PMUA)

Sunday, June 16, 2024
10:00 am

As part of our commitment to furthering our mission partners, the third Sunday of each month is now Moment for Mission Sunday. On June 16, IPC recognizes Presbyterian Ministries United Appeal (PMUA). Contributions to PMUA provide funding for Kirkwood by the River’s Life Care Fund, the Living River Power of the Outdoors Scholarship Fund, and the IPC Social Services Fund. Help shine the light of Christ and give to aid not one—but THREE organizations as they live out their ministry to support those in need. On Sunday, June 16, ushers will collect donations during this regular offering. Please designate “PMUA GIFT” on your check. You can start giving today online or by texting PMUA to (205) 927-3100 and following the step-by-step instructions.