Nominations for Church Officers
The Representative Nominating Committee (RNC) is beginning the discernment process of identifying qualified nominees for the Elder and Deacon classes of 2027, trustees to serve on the IPC Foundation, two congregants to serve as members at large on the Representative Nominating Committee, and the vice president of the congregation (who will become president in 2026).
The Nominating Committee seeks input from members to nominate persons who demonstrate a strong faith, a commitment to IPC, and welcome the opportunity to serve in one of these important roles in our church. You can find descriptions of the offices of Elder and Deacon from the PC(U.S.A.) Book of Order, as well as the roles of our vice president and president. We ask you to review this material and then prayerfully complete the nomination form.
Nominations may be submitted online below. You may also print the nomination form and submit it by depositing it in marked boxes located by the reception desk, mailing it to the church, or emailing it to the Representative Nominating Committee. Forms are available on the second floor and in the narthex. You may also make additional copies of the nomination forms.
Please note that the deadline for nominations to be delivered or submitted online is April 21, 2024. Every form will be considered, and the number of forms submitted will not bear significance in our deliberations.
The RNC hopes that you will join us in our efforts of prayerful consideration and discernment in seeking those called by God to serve IPC.
Contact Us
If you have questions, please email Margaret King, Chair of the Representative Nominating Committee.
List of Current IPC Church Officers
Ways to Submit Officer Nomination Forms
Please click on "printable nomination form" above if you would like to print a copy of the nomination form. Please return the form to the church by April 21. Email, mail, and in-person submissions are accepted.
Online Form
Use the fields below to submit names by April 21.