Join us every Wednesday from March 12 to April 16 for a noonday worship service in the Chapel. After the service, you can enjoy a light lunch for $5 in the Great Hall. Please note that you only need to make a reservation if you plan to stay for lunch. The menu for the lunch will be soup and sandwiches. Please make sure to reserve your spot for lunch by Tuesdays at noon.
Subscribe to a Lenten devotional to find meaningful reflections and spiritual insights throughout the season, allowing you to deepen your faith journey during this time of reflection and renewal. The Road to Joy from Christianity Today is a devotional guide that contains 15 devotions intended to be spread out from Ash Wednesday through the week of Easter, and The Hardest Part from Kate Bowler is a guide focusing on the joy, sorrow, love, loss, heartbreak, and hope that we
all must embrace while trusting that the good part is still coming. Find links to both devotions on the IPC website.
Honor the memory of your loved ones by donating to the Easter Lily Memorial fund in their name(s). Your contribution provides fresh flowers to be displayed in the Sanctuary and Highland Hall for Easter services, and the names of your loved ones will be printed in the Easter worship bulletin. Depending on IPC's ability to source the lilies, you may pick up your order after the 11 am Easter service in the Sanctuary, or you can make a direct donation without the pick-up of any flowers. To ensure the names of loved ones are included in the bulletin, please ensure your contribution is received by April 6, 2025.
Starting on Ash Wednesday, we will display prayer requests in the church stairwell, which we are temporarily calling the "Prayerwell". This is a way for us to visually represent those who have touched our lives or who may need our prayers. To have someone's name displayed in the Prayerwell, please submit their first name only in the basket located at the front desk.
Join us in the Courtyard after the 11 am worship services each Sunday, March 9 through Palm Sunday, April 13 for cookies and punch and an opportunity to connect with your IPC Family. The Presbyterian Women will host each week.
IPC’s Kitchen will offer dinner every Wednesday until April 9. Meals include dinner options for adults ($10) and children ($5). The Pastor’s Bible Study will also conclude on April 9. The last rehearsal for the Children’s Musical will be held Wednesday, March 12, and a celebration is planned for March 19 for those involved in the musical. Youth Mid Week Meet-Up wraps up on March 12.