It is uncommonly cold this winter and it will continue to get colder. Over the next two weeks we will be experiencing some of the coldest air we have felt for an extended period of time.
This means, our neighbors in need will require extra support to keep warm. Warming stations are asking for donations of the following: washable twin size blankets, snack items, breakfast bars, bananas and oranges, coats, gloves, scarves, hand warmers, and toboggans.
The Warming Stations at Jimmie Hale Mission and at Pathways do everything they can to support the men, women, and children who need their services, but there are immense needs in all of our shelters and other groups that serve our street neighbors
Please drop off any donated items at Jimmie Hale Mission, Pathways, First Light, Brother Bryan Mission, the Salvation Army, and the Firehouse Shelter, or contact Kelly Harden Greene at Food For Our Journey.