IPC is excited to announce a new Beginner Mahjong Class starting this fall. The class will run on Wednesday nights September 4 through October 9, from 6:15 to 7:45 pm. Please join us before the class for Wednesday Night Dinner in the Great Hall at 5:30 pm.
Beginner Mahjong Players
We have exceeded our registration count for the fall class. If you have already signed up, look for more information via email soon. We hope to offer a new class in the spring.
Experienced Mahjong Players
Would you be interested in helping to lead the Beginner Class? If you have experience with Mahjong and would like to share your expertise with others, please let me know your interest below. We are also planning an Experienced Mahjong Class and invite you to join us on Tuesday afternoons from 1:00 -2:45 pm beginning September 3.
Interested in Playing?
Our beginner class is now full; however, experienced players should let us know by August 15.
Contact Cindy Shaw. We are looking forward to fun and new Mahjong classes and hope to see many of you there!