Submit your question for our upcoming sermon series
From July 7-August 11, Rev. Susan Clayton and Rev. David Seamon will be preaching a sermon series called “I Have a Question!” tackling some of the most common questions we ask as we walk along the journey of faith as disciples of Jesus Christ.
All of us face difficult questions of faith in our lives: Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow suffering and evil to exist in the world? How can I possibly forgive someone who has wronged me or someone I love deeply? Does Jesus really expect me to love my enemies? Those are just a few examples of the questions we wrestle with as we try to be faithful people.
During these six weeks, we want to think and talk about your questions of faith. We do not have all the answers, and we wrestle with the same questions you do. We can begin the conversation, however. To that end, we are asking you to share your questions of faith with us.
Share your Questions with Us»
Over this six-week series, we will consider one question each week. What guidance does Scripture give us? What have people of faith said about these questions over the years? We hope you will share your questions with us and join us each week as we consider them together!
This Sunday, June 23, marks the conclusion of Rev. Dr. Tom Tewell's sermon series, "Enrolling in God’s PhD Program," as well as his time with us as Pastor in Residence. Following the 10 am worship service, we invite all to join us in the Parlor for a reception to extend our best wishes and gratitude to Tom.