The Communications team is thrilled to launch our newly redesigned eUpdate newsletter, which now aligns with the look and feel of our recent website redesign! Our goal with the newsletter update is to create a more cohesive and aesthetically pleasing email from IPC, while continuing to provide all the valuable information and resources you have come to expect each week.
In this new format debuting May 23, you will still find all the helpful links and information about upcoming events plus a new save-the-date section to keep you connected to your family of faith. Whether you are looking for details on our next worship service, information on upcoming church events, or ways to participate in the various ministries of IPC, the revamped eUpdate has everything you need right at your fingertips. Find the most clicked-on links each week—the "Weekly Update" and the "Prayer List"—under the pastor’s photo. They are now easily accessible buttons in the first section.
We hope you like the new look, and I welcome your feedback and suggestions to help us continue improving our communication. Feel free to contact me anytime.