The Parable of the Mustard Seed in the Book of Matthew says, “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown, it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”
God is planting mustard seeds here at IPC, starting small but growing big! This Sunday, we will recognize our 6th graders who are transitioning from Children's Ministries to Youth Ministries. These children have been recipients of your commitment made at their baptism.
As we look back on how IPC has supported our children and their families this year, we see that these little seeds have been planted in big ways. We are sowing seeds at our Easter Egg Hunt, at the 456 Retreat, and in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd on Sunday mornings. We look forward to ministry opportunities for the summer and fall, and can only imagine the growth that will take place in our church in the days to come.
As we grow by leaps and bounds, we have been amazed at the amount of adult helpers that it takes to make our Children’s Ministries a success: literally hundreds each year. This is a challenge for sure, but we here at IPC are ready for the task. We know those mustard plant shrubs just keep growing and growing! God keeps planting and we must keep nurturing and loving our “kingdom kids." Whether it is with one hour or with many, you are making a big difference in the lives of our youngest disciples.
Will you help us grow? Join us in worship this Sunday for our Moment for Mission with Children's Ministry to find out ways you can be involved in nurturing our church's youngest disciples. God’s Kingdom Garden needs your time and talents to grow big and strong!
Volunteering this summer with IPC Children's Ministries!
Our current needs are listed below:
VBS Decoration Helpers (May 17 - 19)
Sunday Helpers for Preschoolers (Sundays, June 2 - August 18)
Sunday Helpers for Children & Youth (Sundays, June 2 - August 18)