“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” ~Psalm 24:1
Greetings from the Earth Care Team. IPC has been a certified Earth Care Congregation for 8 years. Each year and each program of IPC has an opportunity to find continuity and connectedness through Earth Care principles. One of God’s clearest and deepest callings and admonitions to all people is that of Earth Care.
Some theological practices seem to enshrine the hereafter. If, instead, we search daily for God’s Divine Incarnation through stewardship of the earth, sacred spaces, and people, so many conflicts could be resolved or reframed. Our brief Statement of Faith calls us to:
“…trust in God the Holy Spirit, everywhere the giver and renewer of life. In gratitude to God, empowered by the Spirit, we strive to serve Christ in our daily tasks and to live holy and joyful lives, even as we watch for God’s new heaven and new earth, praying ‘Come, Lord Jesus’.”
Take another look at the PCUSA Earth Care Pledge as a Lenten Practice and consider how IPC can continue to fulfill the pledge:
Peace and justice is God’s plan for all creation. The earth and all creation are God’s. God calls us to be careful, humble stewards of this earth, and to protect and restore it for its own sake, and for the future use and enjoyment of the human family. As God offers all people the special gift of peace through Jesus Christ, and through Christ reconciles all to God, we are called to deal justly with one another and the earth.
Spring Earth Care Spiritual Practices
Tread Lightly for Lent: March 3 -9
✸ Meditate on Genesis 1:29: "Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."
✸ Pray for the health of the waters of Alabama. We are blessed but many of them are threatened. For example, last week a gasoline tanker overturned on I-59 spilling gasoline into/onto the Black Warrior watershed. Despite the clean-up efforts and monitoring, gasoline is present. The Black Warrior is a major source of drinking water for many people in our community and those we serve.
✸ Fair Trade for Easter baskets. Buy fair trade chocolate, dried fruit, tea, coffee, or small gifts made by women's cooperatives! Fairtrade helps farmers and workers.
✸ Take a walk to appreciate the glories of spring and improve your health.
E-recycling and Shredding Event: March 12
This is a recycling event that WORKS! In addition to the successful shredding partnership with Gone for Good, we can get rid of electronics of many types. Some have a small fee. Many electronics use precious earth metals obtained from mines all over the world. Join us at this year's event from noon to 5 pm in the IPC parking lot.
Continue to Recycle #5 plastics
Bring your clean/rinsed #5 plastics to the big, white Super Sack in the little wooden hut at the top of the back parking lot. Once each Super Sack fills, it is taken to Community on the Rise where women are employed creating beautiful household objects and jewelry. Group or individual volunteers are also needed to help deliver full Super Sacks on a monthly basis.