There is perhaps no more important question for us to answer in life than “Who is Jesus Christ?” Everything—our own identity, our relationship with God and one another, our understanding of our purpose in life, even our very eternities—all of it hinges on our response. In order to help us better answer this question, we will be taking a deep dive into the "I am" statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John throughout the season of Lent.
I will be preaching on one each Sunday morning; our Grace Groups will be studying them; and our Lenten devotional will also focus on these fascinating sayings that give us a glimpse into Jesus own self-identity. This Sunday, we begin with "I am the Bread of Life" as we consider what it means that Jesus is the true manna from heaven.
Don’t forget that this Sunday we are moving the Table service to 11 am on a trial basis. We hope that some of you will give it a try and see how you like it. For those who might prefer a more casual worship environment with contemporary music along with classic hymns in a more upbeat style, this is a great alternative to traditional worship in the sanctuary. You can even bring your coffee into worship!
Remember that childcare will remain in the main building, but there will be some tables in the back of the Assembly Room of Highland Hall for kids to color or do crafts during worship if it is hard for them to stay with parents throughout the service.
I know that change is never easy, especially at church. But it is our hope that this move will lead to an increase in our overall participation in worship. And since worshiping God is our greatest calling in life, one of our top priorities as a church should always be finding ways to bring more people into worship. That means that sometimes we need to be willing to let go of some things that matter to us in order to achieve a greater good, which is part of what it means to love our neighbor as ourselves.