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From the Session of IPC

IPC Labyrinth Garden

Many from the congregation have asked about what is going on these days in Session, the governing body of IPC. We think it is a great idea to begin to communicate to members of IPC with the highlights of actions taken by Session at its regular meetings.

As our first update, we want to report the Session voted to reduce the number of ruling elders who currently serve on Session. This change will be phased in over a three-year period, beginning in 2023. By the calendar year 2025, we will have a total of 24 ruling elders with eight members per class, each still serving for three years. We will continue to elect one youth ruling elder who will serve from February of their junior year through January of their senior year.

This action was based on a review of comparative data from other large PC(USA) churches and a strong consensus that a smaller Session size benefits IPC in many ways. We believe it will make for a nimbler governance body enabling IPC leaders to engage in more meaningful dialogue and to accomplish more strategic work. A smaller Session will also create additional opportunities for the congregation at large to serve as members of our Session committees called ministry teams. 

The process to elect the next class of ruling elders is currently underway, and we want you to get involved. Ruling elders are nominated by the Representative Nominating Committee (RNC) and elected by the congregation to serve. You recently received information about how to submit your recommendation for elder, deacon, and other officers to serve in the class of 2025. You can participate in this process by sending nominations to the RNC. As a reminder, the deadline to submit is today.

The Session, like all of you, is excited to be getting back to "near" normal and is moving forward in faith for a future full of promise. Watch for continued updates from our meetings, and please feel free to contact us with your comments or concerns.

Beth Hillhouse, President of the Congregation

Barry DeLozier, Vice President of the Congregation