All are invited to worship at Independent Presbyterian Church's Christmas Eve Services!
Family Nativity Service

Tuesday, December 24
11 am worship service
Sanctuary of Independent Presbyterian Church
A family-friendly celebration of Christ’s birth includes lighting the Advent Wreath, a Christmas story, singing, and prayers. The Readers and Nativity Choir for the service are children from our congregation in grades K-6th.
Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols

Tuesday, December 24
4 pm & 6 pm worship services
Sanctuary of Independent Presbyterian Church
We are offering our traditional, candlelight Christmas Eve service at both 4 pm and 6 pm. Please arrive early to get a seat for one of these beautiful services that include music and scripture with Rev. Kevin Long preaching. The doors open one hour before each service; both services are identical.
Childcare is available for all Christmas Eve worship services.
Parking is available on the street and in the parking lot across from the church. Handicap accessible parking is available. The assisted parking service will not be available for the Christmas Eve services.
View livestream services at 11 am and 4 pm.
Sunday, December 29
IPC will observe its Holiday Worship Schedule and gather for one morning worship service in the Sanctuary at 10 am. There will be no Sunday school and no Table worship service that day. Sunday School classes and the evening Table Worship Service will resume on Sunday, January 5.