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Updates from Hunger and Food Insecurity

Updates from Hunger and Food Insecurity

There have been many good changes made in our food ministries programs at IPC in the last few months. We are so grateful to the members of IPC who have enabled us through their time, resources, and donations to provide food for many more people closer to their homes across greater Birmingham. Discover how IPC and its members are serving the community. 


  • After City Meats closed, we discontinued our food box program through the Food Pantry. When the Covid pandemic arrived, we also had to close the food pantry to the public. We purchased two cabinets and have continued providing food and hygiene products through our Blessing Boxes to our homeless and otherwise vulnerable neighbors and any other people who can get to the church. The hygiene products are also needed, and they cannot be purchased with EBT/SNAP cards. Most of the food and hygiene products are purchased by members of the church. Sarah Scruggs, Community Ministries Coordinator sends out an email each week noting the most important needs for the week and we have an Amazon Wish List.


  • In April of this year, we were able to double the number of Weekend Buddy Bags delivered to Hayes K-8. We delivered 160 bags on the first and third Fridays of April and May. Much of this food is donated by IPC members, and many groups in the church have packed bags. We will start delivery again in August.


As of March, we partner with PEER, Inc., (East Lake Market) to provide pop-up markets of fresh produce to FIVE different locations around the city.  This food is free to the people who come by the markets, our partners report that we feed over 600 households each month--400 more households than our former format!

  • Hayes K-8:  The mobile pop-up markets provide fresh produce, plus meat and eggs twice per month for 100 families identified by the school counselor. These are usually held on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month.  Families are selected and invited by school administrators.  These pop-up markets are also held during the Children’s Fresh Air Farm Summer Learning Program weeks for the families of students attending.*
  • Urban Ministry, Inc.:  We provide a market with fresh produce to go along with their food pantry staples on the 1st Wednesday of the month. This is located in the West End Community, which is the zip code from which nearly one-half of our former City Meats food recipients reside.
  • Birmingham Towers (subsidized senior living community in north Birmingham): Fresh produce is provided to the residents and community members in the area on the third Friday of the month.
  • Westminster Presbyterian Church in Titusville:  Fresh produce is provided on the first Friday of the month, which complements their large and ongoing community food-sharing ministry. 

*During June and July, we have shifted to sharing fresh produce, meat, and eggs with our 65 Summer Learning Program families.


  • We have several days scheduled for gleaning with the Society of St. Andrew at Pepper Place Market this summer, including June 17, July 15, and July 29. The produce gleaned is distributed to organizations that share food with people struggling with food access and insecurity. This is a family-friendly opportunity, so bring everyone down to the market! And please register on the Sign-up Genius link at least 4 days before the gleaning date!

Let us know if you have questions or would like to get involved with IPC's Food Ministries.

Kate Mather, Co-Chair of Hunger and Food Insecurity Subcommittee, 

Pam McLean, Co-Chair of Hunger and Food Insecurity Subcommittee,