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The Call

When I received the call to IPC four years ago, I made a promise to serve as senior pastor here for five years. In keeping that promise, I informed the Session last Tuesday night that my final day at IPC will be August 31, 2020. Here’s the formal official language that was approved: “The Session calls a meeting of the IPC Congregation following the 11:00 am worship service for the purpose of approving the dissolution of the call between Independent Presbyterian Church and Dr. William J. Carl III, effective August 31, 2020.”

So what does that mean? It means my time here will come to a close in about 17 months. Following the Congregational meeting on April 7, the Committee on Ministry of the Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery will declare a vacancy, and our representative nominating committee will recommend to the Congregation that a Pastor Nominating Committee be approved sometime in early May, and then a search for IPC’s next senior pastor will begin. But until August 31, 2020 or until a new senior pastor is in place, I’m not going anywhere. I will still be preaching, leading, teaching Greek, leading my Wednesday morning Bible study, making birthday calls and providing pastoral care. I’ll be going all out until the end, so fasten your seat belts!

The Session also approved curriculum for Sunday adult summer classes, heard about a new mission trip covenant outlining what participants can expect on future trips, and learned about opportunities to serve this Lent through Community Ministries. You’ll be able to find more information about those opportunities in this eUpdate. We also discussed a few other things. We will be sharing more details about them in upcoming communications

Since this weekend starts Spring Break, many of you may be leaving for vacation. May you have travelling mercies and arrive safely wherever you are going. Please remember that you can still worship with us through our livestream on YouTube or on our Facebook page.  I cannot wait to hear about your adventures! Speaking of that, pray for our Mexico Mission Trip group that will take off early Saturday morning!

All the Best,
