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Preparing Children, Youth for Christmas

The Season of Christmas is about preparing ourselves for the arrival of the Christ-child. Here at IPC, many of our holiday traditions are centered around our own children and telling the story of Jesus' birth.

Our fifth graders will once againpresent the Christmas Pageant followed by a Birthday Party for Jesus on December 9. All of our children will bring tidings of joy to women and children while carolling at First Light on December 5.

On Wednesdays, the Children's and Youth Ministries now provide community service opportunities to help local ministries, like STAIR. (Second Wednesdays for K- 6. All Wednesdays for youth.) Youth will also participate in an annual food pantry scavenger hunt to stock the IPC Food Pantry. Anyone can donate to the Harvest for Hunger Drive to help stock the pantry October 21- November 18.

Look for details in upcoming Family and Youth eUpdates.