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Serve God through the Guild

IPC’s Guild was authorized by the Session in 1940 to perform those duties associated with the care of the Sanctuary and its worship and sacred services. Guild members work behind the scenes to arrange sanctuary owers, polish brass, bake bread for Holy Communion, schedule acolytes, serve as hostesses for weddings, funerals and baptisms, make palm crosses for Palm Sunday and decorate the Chrismon tree. This dedicated group of 70 elected women are expected to make their Guild duties a priority.

Meetings are at 10 am on second Mondays, excluding summers. Members must attend four meetings a year. Additionally, each member serves on at least two Guild committees. Many duties are performed on week- ends and holidays. New members agree to a ve-year commitment, which can be renewed for a total service of 15 years. If you want to serve through the Guild, please get an interest form at the receptionist desk, and return the completed form to the Guild box next to the elevator by Monday, March 26.